New jobs for legal professionals

Currently, the legal sector has suffered an earthquake similar to the one that caused 'Fordism' in the automobile industry. Through the use of various technologies, such as artificial intelligence or the cloud, to mention just a couple of examples, the legal profession will change forever.

In 1893, the Duryea brothers launched the first single-cylinder automobile in the United States. The cost of the same wasUS$. 1,500.00, which sometimes meant the annual income of an average family, so that only a select group of people could purchase a vehicle.

A few years later, in 1908, Henry Ford implemented production on a regular basis, what we know as ‘Fordism’.

Thanks to this system, more cars were produced in less time and at a lower price.

In 1924, the Ford Model T began to have a price of US$ 290.00.

Did ‘Fordism’ end with vehicle-related work?

Did he destroy the automotive industry? No.

El modelo de los servicios legales es un modelo de más de 100 años, en el que, al igual que los vehículos, no todos tienen acceso a los mismos, principalmente por el costo.

Currently, the legal sector has suffered an earthquake similar to the one that caused 'Fordism' in the automobile industry. Through the use of various technologies, such as artificial intelligence or the cloud, to mention just a couple of examples, the legal profession will change forever.

Do you want to decide that they will be undressed?

Which number of lawyers will be notably reduced? No.

The way of working will change and the competences of lawyers will also change, they will be able to know new technological tools that improve their day to day and their clients. Legal services will be more accessible and attention will be paid to the entire unserved market.

Regarding the skills that lawyers require, I consider that some will be related to:

a) Project management and analysis

b) Implementation and use of Legal Tech tools and technologies.

c) Working in a diverse team, deciding in a team on the ground of lawyers, lawyers, engineers, designers...

d) Have a basic understanding of technologies related to Legal Tech.

As for the new tasks that we will undertake, thanks to Certificate in Legal Tech in the Digital Era from MIT Professional Education in collaboration with Esade, today I have clarity regarding new work tasks which will be available to law professionals, and could be, among others, the following:

a) Legal Automation Engineer (LAE): the work that occupies this position will consist of administering technology introduction processes — just as you would with a document automation program, such as Legal Machine—. Asimismo, would be the person in charge of the management and structure of the plants.

b) Legal Project Manager (LPM):

This task consists of improving the provision of legal services. It will focus mainly on processes and increase predictability, reduce risks and costs and measure customer satisfaction.

c) Legal Operations Specialist (LOS):

This post will perform a multidisciplinary function, seeking to optimize the legal services provided.

d) Legal Process Analyst (LPA):

This will be the person in charge of helping to understand and improve commercial processes.

Therefore, Legal Tech is not a threat to lawyers,it is a great opportunity to foray into a blue ocean, serve a market that has been unattended for now and in one way more efficient, which can be taken advantage of by those who adapt to the same, but mainly those who recognize the opportunity and are prepared and qualified in an appropriate way.

Article by

Roberto Valladares

“Certificate in Legal Tech in the Digital Era”
MIT Professional Education in collaboration with Esade

Visit the publication of Legal Machine Intelligence on the official MIT Professional Education website:

[1] “Blue Ocean Strategy”, W Chan Kim / Renée Mauborgne.