The future of lawyers and the automation tools available

I was recently watching a program by Andrés Oppenheimer in which the latter was presenting his book: Every Man for Himself!The Future of Work in the Age of Automation

And in this program, Mr. Oppenheimer explained that one of the first professions to be significantly affected by this automation would be that of lawyers; and he spoke about how there are already certain computer programs and artificial intelligence that are being developed in this regard.

Personally, I don't think that automation will mean the disappearance of the legal profession, but it will mean a significant change in the legal industry. I believe that contract automation is a necessary tool for lawyers; it is not their competence, but rather a natural step in the profession.

Today, lawyers have three major challenges:

  1. Overwork
  2. Costs of contract preparation and increasing competition
  3. Lack of time to focus on what is most important.

It is in response to these three major challenges that the Legal Machine® platform created by LM Intelligence was created. Legal Machine® is a web-accessible platform (, which can be incorporated into the user's website, allowing lawyers in Latin America or countries with a "Civil Law" system to generate their contracts efficiently, based on 3 pillars:

1. Automation of Contracts:

This feature means that the Legal Machine® user can simply fill out a form in which he can see how the text he enters is incorporated into the contract, thus achieving automation of the contracts.

This platform allows the user to produce more contracts in less time, and to repeat said contract by modifying one or more entries, so that contracts with small variations can be generated, simply by returning to the form, changing it, and generating it again.

In other words, this functionality allows the user to generate many contracts in a short time. Tasks such as preparing ten or one hundred employment contracts, or any other type of contract, will no longer be tedious and error-prone, but can be carried out efficiently.

2. Assembly of the Contracts:

The Legal Machine® platform allows its users to generate custom contracts. It is very common for a lawyer to have to search through his latest contracts to find out where the clauses he needs for his contract are, and what the latest version of it is, in order to have the correct one; this task can be tedious and frustrating.

It would be great to have the option to add the clause you need with a single “click” and in the right place in the contract or related documents; and that is now possible thanks to Legal Machine®. On this platform, the user, depending on the type of legal document, can add the clause they need with a single “click” and thus efficiently create a tailored contract.

3. Integration of the Contracts:

In countries with a civil law legal system, certain formalities are very common, in the sense that legal documents often have several related documents, such as the constitution of a corporation, which entails the preparation of the appointment of the legal representative, the issuance of stock certificates, notices to registries, etc.; or the sale of real estate, which not only entails the preparation of the deed of sale, but also notices must be given, legalized copies issued for clients, etc.

And in these cases it happens that sometimes, when providing services to their clients, lawyers or their work team may omit certain documents that are not essential for the legal business, but do constitute a notarial obligation, so not including them all results in the work being incomplete.

It is also common that sometimes, with great regret, lawyers may hand over documents to the client and spelling errors appear, such as those cases in which in certain documents the names are written correctly but in others they are not; these errors will no longer occur with Legal Machine®, through this tool the user must enter the data only once, and these are incorporated not only into one document but into all the related ones.

It is decided that if a name is entered with a lack of spelling, it will be in all documents, where the error is evident, and a much easier and faster revision; If you enter correctly, it will be in all documents and places where it appears. This platform allows you to deliver legal documents with the best quality, with minimal or no errors, and in less time.

Considering the above, the Legal Machine® platform is a solution for the market Latin American that will allow its users to: a) Reduce the time taken to prepare contracts and related documents by up to 90%; b) Eliminate paralegal errors; yc)obtain all documents related to the type of legal document, with a single “click” and in the ready format to print.

Legal Machine® is available for dispatches in Latin America, being a platform that allows the user to have their own contracts and related documents, through personalized coding, which can be carried out: a) by it Legal Machine® equipment; o b) by the same user for which he would be qualified, being given coding that is very difficult to learn, which does not contain any computer language.

Welcome to the revolution of the legal industry!

Article By:
Roberto Valladares
LM Intelligence.
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