Como aprovechar la disrupción de la industria legal

How to take advantage of the disruption of the legal industry

We live in disruptive times, technologies such as machine learning, contract automation, artificial intelligence and even blockchain are already part of the legal industry. Disruption, according to the RAE, is a sudden break or interruption; it breaks the status quo. These times of change are extremely exciting, it is the time to build, to innovate…

El futuro de los abogados y las herramientas de automatización disponibles

The future of lawyers and the automation tools available

I was recently watching a program by Andrés Oppenheimer in which the latter was presenting his book: Save Yourself Who Can! – The Future of Work in the Age of Automation. And in this program, Mr. Oppenheimer explained that one of the first professions to be significantly affected by this automation would be that of lawyers; and he spoke…

Los nuevos puestos de trabajo para los profesionales del derecho

New jobs for legal professionals

Today, the legal sector has suffered an earthquake similar to that caused by ‘Fordism’ in the automobile industry. Through the use of various technologies, such as artificial intelligence or the cloud, to mention just a couple of examples, the legal profession will change forever. In 1893, the Duryea brothers launched the…

Implicaciones legales de las tecnologias más disruptivas para el trabajo de un abogado

Legal implications of the most disruptive technologies for a lawyer's work

Being aware of the delicate correlation between the need for digital transformation of our professional practice, the type of practice we have and the benefits of the tools we can integrate, is essential to address techno-legal evolution appropriately. Technological integration in legal practice. More than thirty years have passed since that…